Turks and Caicos: How we made it work for us

Breakfast at Sibonne Beach Hotel

Let me first start by saying that Turks and Caicos is not a budget location. You won’t find many of your typical all-inclusive mega resort here (Beaches and Club Med are the only two all-inclusive resorts on the island). Providenciales is a typically quiet, family friendly locale.

This was my third time on the island but my husband and son’s first time. I chose Turks after doing an intensive Google Flights research. I did a broad search; through in some dates and typed “Caribbean” in the destination box. I had nowhere specific I wanted us to go but I knew I didn’t want our flights to cost and arm and a leg.

Providenciales caught my eye several times (roundtrip fares from JFK on JetBlue started at $354). This was something worth looking into. I did some hotel research but the hotels that I liked were very expensive. So what’s the next best thing? Airbnb.

I spent a few days searching Airbnb accommodations. I knew I wanted to stay in the Grace Bay area and after a few days I found our Turks home - The Forever Young Island Condo. A five minute drive to Grace Bay Beach and a four minute drive to the supermarket. There was a balcony with a beautiful view of an inlet. The condo was spacious with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Perfect for our little family!

We rented a car and although gas was about $7 per gallon, most places we drove were no more than 7-10 minutes away.

The put-put that got us around!

We considered cooking meals but decided to eat out instead (it’s a vacation!). In hindsight though we should have at least cooked one meal per day. Eating out in Turks is much like eating out in Manhattan - the prices are about the same!

I really enjoyed the food at Mr. Grouper’s (lunch or dinner), Hemingway’s (located at The Sands Resort) for breakfast, and if you want to feel touristy and do the karaoke thing, check out Danny Buoy’s on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Thursday night is also the big fish fry in Provo!

Mr. Grouper’s Restaurant, my favorite!

Drinks at Mr. Grouper’s

Things to do?

Other than beach bumming, there isn’t really much to do. I love the beach and consider myself a beach hunter so I’m always on the lookout for an amazing one and Turks definitely has plenty! In addition to Grace Bay, we also visited Sapodilla Bay and Taylor Bay beaches.

The beach at Grace Bay

The beach at Sapodilla Bay

The sparkling waters of Sapodilla Bay

Taylor Bay was tricky to find but worth it. A unique feature of this beach is that you can walk several hundred yards out before the water will even reach your waist! I loved it but my husband wasn’t a fan (if you’re a swimmer I’m sure you can understand his frustration). I wasn’t able to get a photo of Taylor Bay; we weren’t there long before we got caught in a down pour!

Island Hopping

Did you know you can take a ferry and visit North and Middle Caicos from Provo? We did just that. Beautiful yet very secluded there wasn’t much to do there except to admire the scenery. We rented a car on North Caicos and drove over to Middle Caicos. Some of the beaches are difficult to find and you almost always have to go off-road to get to them. The round trip ferry was $260 (including the rental car) for the three of us. We caught the 9:30am ferry and returned on the 4:30pm one. We booked through Caribbean Cruisin’.

If you choose to make this journey, bring some OFF Spray with you. The sand flies (or “no-see-ums”) ate us up (it was so bad at one outdoor restaurant that I had to eat inside the car)! I think they’re much worse than mosquitoes because you really don’t see them.

*Places to see: Bambarra Beach in Middle Caicos (the bar & grill is really good - Aluardo is a cool dude!), Dragon Key Resort in Mudjin Harbor (Middle Caicos), also have lunch there if you can - the scenery is breathtakingly gorgeous.

Views of Bambarra Beach

The cave at Mudjin Harbor at Dragon Cay Resort

The causeway that connects North Caicos to Middle Caicos

We stopped at Miss B’s for breakfast and although we had arrived too late for it, the kind woman working the counter (and the kitchen!) still put something together for us. Nothing beats small island hospitality. Nothing!

Miss B’s signage on the road (look for this sign while driving)

All in all, we had a great time in Turks and I would totally do it again and stay at the same Airbnb.
