Landing in Vieuxfort, St. Lucia
Hello! And welcome... If you have even the smallest sense of wanderlust for sun, sand and sea but aren't able to be in that place year round, or as often as you'd like, then you're in the right place. Although I reside in the bustling NYC metropolitan area, my mind and soul can be found beachside underneath a swaying palm tree enjoying the sounds of a steel pan while the waves crash upon the shore, the breeze gently restyling my curls and caressing my sun-kissed skin.
Those who are familiar with me from my previous blogging life (HoneyBrownSugar) - Yes, I'm back! I started HBS in 2008, at a time when the natural hair scene was just beginning to sprout. Unfortunately, life got in the way and my interest in all things "hair" shriveled up like a raisin. I stopped blogging, got married and became a teacher.
Don't get me wrong - I love to write. I took some time to think about what I could possibly blog about if given a second chance. What did I absolutely love? What is something that I could never lose interest in? I still have an affinity for the wonderful world of hair and beauty (there will be some posts about hair - I've got you covered ladies!) but I needed something with a greater purpose. On my most recent trip, as I gazed out of a window seat, anxiously anticipating my feet stepping on St. Lucian ground, I realized it was TRAVEL.
Join me (or re-join me) on this new journey with Coconut + Concrete. If you're a former reader of mine, I sincerely thank you for sticking with me ;-), you won't be disappointed!